Group of people with electronic devices

AIandYou is a nonprofit educating marginalized communities about artificial intelligence.

AIandYou promotes AI Literacy - understanding AI basics to prepare you for the opportunities and challenges coming with AI. We offer free online content and resources, providing you with the AI Basics required to adapt and be aware. Take a look, and please share!

  • AI Basics
  • AI and the Workforce
  • AI and Elections
  • AI and Education
  • Generative AI
  • Learn More

AI Basics

Enhance your understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by discovering the basics.

In a world with growing AI advances, it is increasingly important to understand, evaluate, and effectively use AI. This general knowledge of AI is known as AI Literacy and will allow individuals to make informed decisions about the use of AI in various contexts, including education, work, and everyday life.  Learn more:

You interact with AI everyday, all day on your devices.
AI isn’t all bad, or all good - it is a reality that is part of our lives today and we need to prepare.

AI and the Workforce

Educate yourself on how AI may impact your job and the overall workforce.

AI is shaping the future of work. AI can replace jobs and create new ones. It is important to understand the basics of AI and start thinking about job training opportunities or developing new skills to navigate work in the new age of AI.  Learn more:

By 2025, AI is expected to displace around 85 million jobs while creating 97 million new ones.

AI and Elections

Learn about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting Elections.

This election year is particularly different because of the advancements in AI. There are many things we do online today we could not do four years ago. This technology allows people to create misleading and false information to sway votes. AI is allowing people to create deceptive election-related videos, phone calls and letters. We must question everything we see, read or hear in the 2024 elections. Learn more

According to a new national survey, more than three-fourths of
Americans expect that abuses of artificial intelligence will affect the 2024 presidential election.

AI and Education

Enhance your understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by discovering the basics.

In a world with growing AI advances, it is increasingly important to understand, evaluate, and effectively use AI. This general knowledge of AI is known as AI Literacy and will allow individuals to make informed decisions about the use of AI in various contexts, including education, work, and everyday life.  Learn more:

86% of educators believe that AI can enhance personalized learning experiences for students.

Generative AI

Explore the transformative potential of Generative AI and how it can amplify your creative and innovative capabilities, reshaping the horizons of what's possible in our digital age.

Arm yourself with the insights and skills needed to master Generative AI, a pivotal component of AI Literacy, critical for thriving amidst swift technological advancement.

Generative AI is a powerful new technology that can be used to create new data, including text, images, and video. It has the potential to impact every business and to fundamentally change how people interact with machines, information, and one another.

AI Related Topics

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Learn about AI-related topics, including algorithms, crypto, ChatGPT, and more in these short videos and helpful glossaries.

Learning about AI and related topics will help you understand how technology can enhance our lives through
products and services and consider the appropriate roles and boundaries for these technologies.

Latest Resources and Media

Heinrich hosts AI 'fireside' chat with small business owners

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AI & the Workforce Video

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AI & the Workforce Resources

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