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Job Searching with AI


This module provides insights into how to make new technologies work for you during your next job search. We highlight ways to use simple technologies to improve your resume or application with technology. We also discuss how to be creative and effective in your online job search.

Job Searching with AI

These days, it would be hard to find an organization or company that isn't using A.I. to find employees. Here's what they do. Employers use A.I. tools to scan job applications and resumes for keywords. Keywords are words or phrases that an employer programs into AI technology to scan your application or resume.

So if an employer for say a retail store is looking for someone with organizational skills, it will tell the AI tool to only approve job applications where the applicant used the word organizational. If the word organizational doesn't appear in the resume, then the resume won't make it past the first round. It won't make it to the next step of being read by a human.

This is a big change from the way things used to be. And it's a tough one. There's no doubt that keywords make the hiring process easier, but it can make the applying process harder for you and it can keep great candidates out of opportunities they are well suited for.

The good news, though, is that there's a simple trick you can use to increase your chances of making it past the first round. Use the job listing to your advantage. That's right. Read the job description carefully. The keywords you need to use in your application are right there. You can also use a keyword finder.

There are many free apps available that can help you pull out keywords from job descriptions. These computer programs can help you find keywords more quickly, especially if you are looking through several descriptions. For most programs like this, you can copy and paste the job description into the program, and it scans it for you and pulls out the keywords.

This can be a great way to increase your productivity and save you some time. It can also help you find keywords that you may have missed. Keywords, keywords, that's what it's all about. AI is involved in the job search in a big way. Today, virtually every aspect of the job search process is done online.

What this means is that you have to customize your resume application for each job you're applying for. One size does not fit all in job searching. Read job descriptions carefully. Use the same language the employer uses. Let the AI behind the scenes work for you. Happy job hunting. You'll do great. Just remember keywords are the trick.