Oct 10, 2023

Researchers, activists try to get ahead of AI-driven election misinformation


New products, guides and accountability initiatives are flooding the inboxes of election authorities and participants in response to the wave of generative AI tools that have been released in 2023.

Oct 9, 2023

AIandYou on ABC News to discuss work educating marginalized communities on AI

ABC News

Susan Gonzales, CEO and Founder of AIandYou, joins ABC News to discuss the the need for AI literacy, how AI will affect the 2024 Election, and more!

Oct 3, 2023

Nonprofit group plans ad campaign using AI misinfo to fight AI misinfo


AIandYou is launching the public awareness campaign to educate voters on how AI could affect next year’s election.

Oct 2, 2023

How badly will AI-generated images impact elections?


Next year, 2024, is a prominent year for democracies globally. From an almost certain rerun of Biden versus Trump, to elections expected in the United Kingdom, Taiwan, India, and the European parliament, swaths of voters will be heading to the polls.

Oct 2, 2023

AI used to alter political ads will require prominent disclosure on Google

ABC News

Political ads using artificial intelligence on Google and YouTube must soon be accompanied by a prominent disclosure if imagery or sounds have been synthetically altered

Oct 2, 2023

AI presents political peril for 2024 with threat to mislead voters

AP News

Computer engineers and tech-inclined political scientists have warned for years that cheap, powerful artificial intelligence tools would soon allow anyone to create fake images, video and audio that was realistic enough to fool voters and perhaps sway an election.

Aug 18, 2023

Interview with Susan Gonzales: The dangers of AI in the 2024 elections

"AI literacy," or the ability to see through artificial intelligence-generated misinformation, will be important for U.S. voters, says Susan Gonzales, CEO of AIandYou.

Aug 4, 2023

Artificial Intelligence Brings 'Nightmare' Scenario to 2024 Presidential Campaign: Analysts

U.S. News

With the 2024 presidential election fast approaching and zero federal regulations in place to combat false AI-generated political stunts, voters likely will be left questioning not only what they know but what they see.

Jul 27, 2023

The 2024 presidential race is the AI election


Artificial intelligence and generative bots like ChatGPT are poised to upend modern American politics in the same way that social media reset the playbook in 2008, with mounting warnings for democracy.

Jun 12, 2023

AIandYou.org launches bi-lingual videos to teach marginalized communities about the impact of AI on everyday life

AP News

AIandYou, a nonprofit educating marginalized communities about artificial intelligence (AI) in easy to understand language, launched its first series of short, educational videos in English and Spanish.

Jun 9, 2023

DeSantis attack ad uses fake AI images of Trump embracing Fauci

The Verge

The fake images depict Trump kissing Fauci on the cheek, allowing the DeSantis campaign to frame Trump as a close supporter of Fauci’s policies combatting COVID-19.

May 19, 2023

AI-Powered Social Media Could Play Significant Role In The 2024 Election


Former President Donald Trump is noted for his use of social media to broadcast his opinions to the masses. However, Barack Obama was actually the first presidential candidate to employ social media, and it became apparent that it could greatly aid a campaign. That fact was further noted in 2016 when the Trump team went on to employ crafted messages across the various platforms.

May 3, 2023

Fake or fact? 2024 is shaping up to be the first AI election. Should voters worry?

USA Today

The Republican National Committee fired off an attack ad as soon as President Joe Biden announced his reelection campaign last week. The 30-second spot which used fake visuals of China invading Taiwan, financial markets crashing and immigrants overrunning the border sported a disclaimer: “Built entirely with AI imagery.”

May 3, 2023

How AI will transform the 2024 elections


Recent news that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has used an AI-generated video to criticize Joe Biden shows how likely AI is to transform our upcoming elections

May 3, 2023

How AI is already changing the 2024 election


Artificial intelligence is already affecting the 2024 election in ways that could reshape how campaigns are run and how voters are informed — or misled.

May 3, 2023

The AI political campaign is here


President Barack Obama’s 2008 election campaign has often been celebrated as the first to effectively use social media as a mobilization tool to capture the White House. In the 15 years since, the technology has gone from being a novel addition to a political campaign to transcending every aspect of one. Now, a transformative and largely untested technology looks set to revolutionize political campaigning: artificial intelligence. But the computer-generated content, which blurs the line between fact and fiction, is raising concerns ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

May 3, 2023

AI experts sound alarm on technology going into 2024 election: ‘We're not prepared for this’


AI-generated political disinformation already has gone viral online ahead of the 2024 election

Apr 27, 2023

Brace Yourself for the 2024: Deepfake Election


No matter what happens with generative AI, its disruptive forces are already beginning to play a role in the fast-approaching US presidential race.

Apr 17, 2023

You asked: How will deepfakes and AI affect the 2024 election?

The Washington Post

How do you expect the changes in the social media landscape will affect this election cycle? Will we have some major deepfake dirty tricks? What’s there to protect us?

Feb 12, 2023

How AI will transform the 2024 elections

Brookings Institution

Recent news that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has used an AI-generated video to criticize Joe Biden shows how likely AI is to transform our upcoming elections.

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