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Are you a senior or do you have a loved one who is? Whether you're a baby boomer or you just feel that technology has gotten way too complicated, We have a 2-part series of easy to understand videos to give you some vital information to navigate the sometimes overwhelming universe of artificial intelligence AI. Let's start with the basics. AI is the ability of a computer to perform tasks that could be accomplished by a human.

AI and Seniors Video Transcript

It can think like a human and learn like a human. It can recognize patterns, make decisions, write letters, and create graphics, for example. You begin to interact with AI the moment you get online. Each click teaches AI about your behavior and draws conclusions about what you want to see more of online. This is called predictive AI. It predicts your behavior.

You can also use generative AI to generate letters, graphics, reports, or anything by typing in a question. For example, how to create a scavenger hunt for a five year old birthday party, or write a 500 word letter to apply for a consulting job? Well, AI can sound scary. It can also help you stay healthier and keep you connected with family and friends.

The key is to understand how to leverage AI safely. Today we will go over these four things that you should know about AI, including. How do you interact with A on a daily basis? What AI tools can enhance your life? What are the risks associated with AI and how to recognize and avoid AI scams targeting the senior community?

1. How do you interact with AI in your daily life?

Here's the thing about AI: it's not just robots learning to think like humans, like you saw in Star Wars. It's things like your GPS knowing where you live or your smartphone anticipating what kind of information you want. You get the point. How does AI know all these things about you?

The key word here is data. Data is the food I need to work. Data is created every time you use the internet and this is called your digital footprint. Here's an example. When you shop online, your behavior tells the AI behind the scenes what you visited and viewed and liked. Anything you do online feeds AI's knowledge about you.

Think about the last time your favorite streaming site recommended comedies, for example, because you watch a lot of comedies. It is learning from your behavior. Interacting with AI online is inevitable. Did you see your face when you opened your device today? That is facial recognition, an AI tool. Did you search for anything on the internet? You are interacting with AI.

So the next time you start browsing and clicking, just remember AI is working behind the scenes. It predicts that you want to see and learn and it learns from your behavior. Be aware of your browsing and be safe.

2. What tools can enhance your life? Will we have good news? I can also make your life much easier in many ways.

One of them is by offering personalized assistance in daily activities. AI powered devices can offer reminders for medication schedules and doctor's appointments, helping you stay organized and on track with your health. I can help you stay fit and monitor vital signs providing early warnings for potential health issues. How does this work? Well, AI can analyze and interpret vast amounts of data and recognize patterns.

Rather than waiting to go to a doctor's office. The AI can alert you based on the data you are creating and comparing that to massive amounts to similar data in a flash. AI powered devices can also recognize anomalies such as a fall or unusual activity. If you fall, the device can alert caregivers or emergency services automatically. There are also devices you can wear, like special watches or bracelets.

These wearables can keep track of your health. If something seems off, the device can send alerts, prompting necessary action. But it is not all about your health. What about helping you stay socially active and connected? AI powered devices can help seniors stay in touch with family and friends by setting up video calls, just by asking or tapping a screen, for example.

Lastly, understanding AI basics gives you an advantage over job candidates. If you're looking for a new job, employers are favoring those who simply understand the basics of AI. You don't have to be an AI expert, but you will have an advantage over another candidate who does not understand anything about AI. As you can see, there are many benefits to AI. Join us for Part 2 to learn more about AI and the risks with AI, scams and how to protect yourself. Please share with your family and friends. Now is the time for everyone to understand AI Basics.