The advancements of AI make our lives easier. It also makes our experiences online quicker, more accurate and more accessible. There are benefits and challenges with AI. And it is impacting jobs today and the future of work.

This video is going to cover the three things you should know about how AI may impact your job:

  1. eliminate jobs
  2. change them
  3. create new ones.

AI and the Workforce Video Transcript

It seems everyone is talking about AI these days, and that's precisely because AI is everywhere. The advancements of AI make our lives easier, both online and in the real world. But with the benefits of AI also come the challenges. Today we are going to cover the three things you should know about how AI may impact your job.

This includes how AI may

  1. Eliminate jobs
  2. Change them
  3. Create new ones

Number 1. Job Elimination.

First, let's talk about the fear that AI may eliminate jobs. There is much fear that AI will replace all jobs, and this is false. While AI is already augmenting or enhancing some jobs, there are also jobs that AI can automate, which can and will lead to job loss.

I'll give you an example. The types of jobs most impacted by AI are roles that require routine and repetitive tasks such as data entry, basic customer service, or bookkeeping. Or cashiers, drivers, or inventory stockers, to name a few. You may be wondering, how does AI replace repetitive tasks?

Well, think about the last time you went to a website for customer support, and a message box pops up to ask you if you need help. It may include a photo of a person, but it's actually an AI chatbot, a virtual assistant. Chatbots can handle basic customer questions, therefore reducing the need for human customer service representatives.

Or you may have noticed more self checkout stands in grocery stores. Resulting in fewer cashiers. Or what about robots in a warehouse to manage inventory? You can clearly see that jobs with repetitive tasks are likely to be impacted. Now is the time to plan ahead.

Number two, job change.

Let's look at how AI may change your existing job. You may have heard of jobs that are now augmented by AI. This refers to the concept that AI works to enhance your own decision making. The idea here is that AI and people work together to improve the way people do work, not replace them. Augmented means you still have your job, but your actions are now supported by AI.

Think about this example. The daily duties of a radiologist are being enhanced by AI today. AI can analyze images from MRIs, CT scans and x rays more quickly and accurately than humans alone. This helps diagnose diseases such as cancer earlier. Also, some customer service representatives are augmented with AI.

This allows human representatives to focus on more complex customer issues requiring creativity and problem solving. You get the idea. Some jobs simply cannot be replaced by AI.

Number three, jobs creation.

Now let's turn to the idea of new job opportunities arising from AI. AI is expected to lead to more technology jobs, such as data scientists or machine learning experts who can create and manage AI.

But what about the average worker who is not a technology expert? What about the administrative assistant who may be replaced? Well, in a world where companies are starting to use more AI, they might create a role such as an AI support assistant. This person helps with minor AI problems after getting trained on common AI related issues.

Or an employee experience manager could use AI tools to optimize talent management. Or an AI logistics manager uses AI to manage a supply chain. As you can see, There will be a lot of changes in the workforce, some sooner than others. Now you hopefully understand how AI may impact your job. Remember that we are just at the beginning to scratch the surface on how AI will create, change, or eliminate jobs of today.

So now is the time to start thinking about how you may want to navigate your career and your job. Embrace the chance to learn, experience, and grow alongside AI advancements. Who knows? The next big opportunity could be just around the corner. Explore, be curious, learn about AI, and learn how it may be able to enhance your job.