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Apr 14, 2024

AI-generated fashion models could bring more diversity to the industry - or leave it with less


AI fashion modeling is on the rise but its use has complicated implications for diversity

Apr 13, 2024

Dove just made the best AI-related ad yet


The brand’s pledge to never use artificial intelligence for its images builds on work its been doing for decades.

Apr 12, 2024

“AI & The 2024 Election”: Susan Gonzales with AIandYou.org

Girl Geek X

Susan Gonzales, founder of AIandYou, discusses the importance of AI literacy and the impact of AI on elections. She explains the difference between predictive AI, which predicts behavior and makes recommendations, and generative AI, which uses prompts to generate content. Susan highlights the issue of misinformation in elections, particularly through deep fakes, and the importance of researching and verifying information before believing or sharing it. Be curious and cautious when engaging with AI and to seek out trusted sources of information.

Apr 10, 2024

5 ChatGPT Prompts To Send Hours Of Email In Seconds: Master Your Inbox


Don’t be at the mercy of your email. Craft perfect responses in a fraction of the time with ChatGPT. Power through your inbox and get more done.

Apr 2, 2024

What Does AI Mean for the Future of Healthcare?


AI is here, and it has gigantic potential to bring us more accurate diagnoses and treatments, lead to better patient care, and even predict future pandemics. It also may dehumanize health care in ways that could be hard to control.

Mar 24, 2024

OpenAI Sora — 15 most amazing videos so far

Tom’s Guide

OpenAI revealed Sora, its artificial intelligence video generator to the world in February this year, seemingly leaving every other generative video tool looking like archaic technology.

Mar 19, 2024


Nonprofit Partners with Top National Community Organizations to Educate Voters through its "BEHIND THE HEADLINES" Campaign

Mar 15, 2024

AI and wage and hour laws: what employers need to know


More and more businesses are using artificial intelligence, including generative artificial intelligence models ("AI") to perform tasks currently performed by human workers. We don't expect that AI will replace an entire workforce, given AI's tendency to "hallucinate," a term used to refer to AI generating a false response. As such, at minimum, many businesses that rely on AI will nonetheless still need to employ human workers to oversee AI outputs.

Mar 11, 2024

Can this robot help solve a guide dog shortage?


Millions of partially sighted and blind persons don't have guide dogs. Autonomous machines may one day close the accessibility

Mar 11, 2024

OpenAI Sora: Everything you need to know

Tom’s Guide

Sora can create hyperrealistic AI video

Feb 27, 2024

AI Won’t Take Your Job if You Know About IA

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Intelligence augmentation shows that human + AI is an ideal partnership — and the future of white-collar work

Feb 27, 2024

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Job Market: 5 Key Trends

Spruce InfoTech, Inc

Intelligence augmentation shows that human + AI is an ideal partnership — and the future of white-collar work

Feb 23, 2024

How to use ChatGPT to prepare for a job interview, says ex-Disney recruiter: It’s ‘a smart approach’


Hiring managers have all kinds of pet peeves when it comes to the job interview. About a third, 30% say not having researched the company interviewing you ahead of time is a major turn-off, for example. That’s according to a November 2023 survey of 1,200 adults by HR software company Ringover.

Feb 19, 2024

Pupils who use AI to cheat could lose all qualifications

The Times

Coursework guidance for pupils on the consequences of cheating now specifically addresses AI for the first time

Feb 18, 2024

Video: Artificial Intelligence could threaten elections. What is Ottawa doing to regulate it?

Global News

We’ve all heard the warnings that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could interfere with democracy. Now, 20 tech start-ups and giants including Google, Meta, TikTok, and X have signed an accord promising to work together to stop their software from creating deep fakes depicting political candidates.

Feb 17, 2024

Tech giants come together to combat deceptive deepfakes ahead of 2024 elections

ABC News

"Time will tell how effective these steps are and if further action is needed."

Feb 16, 2024

We Tested an AI Tutor for Kids. It Struggled With Basic Math.

The Wall Street Journal

Khanmigo, a ChatGPT-powered bot, made frequent calculation errors during a Journal reporter’s test

Feb 14, 2024

Video: How AI-generated misinformation threatens election integrity

PBS NewsHour

From robocalls to deep fakes, artificial intelligence is already playing a role in the 2024 election. Last week the Federal Communications Commission made AI-generated voice calls illegal.

Feb 6, 2024

Teaching Tip: Navigating AI in the Classroom

Inside Higher Education

Generative artificial intelligence tools continue to grow in popularity. Here are four ways faculty members in higher education are teaching about or with AI.

Feb 5, 2024

AI can help − and hurt − student creativity

University of South Carolina

Teachers across the country are grappling with whether to view AI tools like ChatGPT as friend or foe in the classroom. My research shows that the answer isn’t always simple. It can be both.

Jan 27, 2024

Video: Can you spot the deepfake? How AI is threatening elections

CBC New: The National

AI-generated fake videos are being used for scams and internet gags, but what happens when they’re created to interfere in elections? CBC’s Catharine Tunney breaks down how the technology can be weaponized and looks at whether Canada is ready for a deepfake election.